'If you're going to San Francisco'

We didn't, quite. SF: we would have loved to get reacquainted but decided that time was a little short to do you justice. We'll be back soon though.

We left this morning shrouded in the dripping sea mist stopping at Santa Cruz (think Blackpool light) and had a scrummy crab omelette for breakfast on the wharf, which was mercifully quiet on a Monday morning. There were loads of kids from summer camp having surfing lessons on the beach. The sea looked very cold!

One thing we were not going to miss out on was crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, even if we weren't going to make it into the city. As we approached San Francisco we could see a thick slab of fog over the Bay Area. I gave it notice: one hour to leave. It complied and we crossed in bright sunshine. We were recalling our very fond memories of when we last crossed the bridge in Vintage fire truck.

We went for a stroll around luscious Sausalito home to 1 million little boats and enjoyed looking over at the city. thinking that we will be back soon. Then it was north through Sonoma and Napa ready for our visit to Sacramento tomorrow.


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