Happy Granny!

We may have crossed the Andes today past the highest peak in the Americas - Aconagua (almost 7,000 metres) and re-entered Chile from Argentina and continued on to Santiago, attractive, stylish, cosmopolitan city that it is, but, for me there is only one piece of important news today.

In the early hours of this morning my elder daughter, Lucy, gave birth to Iris Ottilie Catherine Larkin. She weighed in at 8lbs 4oz and is, just like her mother, beautiful. Finn, Milo and Kit will be kept very busy looking after their sister, as will Daddy Stephen. A perfect family.

What joy! Pure, shouting out loud, dancing in the street total, utter joy!

More news from the front tomorrow.


  1. Congratulations. You must be over the moon! Granddaughters are so special.
    Your adventures sound amazing. Keep on trucking!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Such exciting news,congratulations! Still thoroughly enjoying sharing your adventures & photos,looking forward to the final stages......
    Liz & Robert


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