A bridge to Sweden and we finally reach Gothenburg.

Our final leg to Gothenburg was unremarkable except for the amazing bridge between Denmanrk ansd Sweden.  Crossing it was thrilling.  Unfortunately, there's nowhere to stop so the photo doesn't really do it justice.

We had many joyful reunions in Gothenburg before starting in style with a fabulous dinner in a Michelin starred restaurant - it is a Paddy Walker rally after all, so we expect no less. 

Our cars were being stored in a warehouse that, somewhat disconcertingly, was in a recycling centre.  The local Aston Martin club came this morning to take us to collect the cars to park them in a car park near the hotel where we had our own security guard.  At the time, this felt a little unnecessary as it seems so safe here.  However, Duncan's Defender, which was too high to get into the car park, and was parked in the street, had a window smashed this afternoon.  Luckily, nothing was stolen.

Adrian managed to get us lost just getting back to the hotel. We were in the lead so others, who had gone on their own to collect the cars and didn't have a navigator, could follow.  In true Adrian navigational style, he got it spectacularly wrong.  This led him to being given an "on trial" rosette from Paddy at dinner tonight.  Adrian maintains that he was deliberately navigating poorly so that he doesn't have to do it for the rest of the rally. No one believd him, of course! He just can't navigate, full stop.  

Adrian went off with Jose and Charlie to the Volvo museum in the afternoon and we three wives went for a boat tour around this lovely city and had a smooch around the shops.  Then, a rally briefing from Duncan when we all got even more excited when we were told about the wonderful things that we will see and do as we go around. We had yet another wonderful, laughter filled dinner - the bar is set really high for dining now.  

Tomorrow, the start of the rally proper.  An early start; 500 Kms to our overnight stop and, for the sake of marital harmony, I may have to let Adrian drive my car. Boo hoo!


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