To Saigon

The Coastline around Da Nang is fast becoming Australia's new Bali. Hoi An, a little further south was an important trading post and inland port but that title now belongs to it's much larger neighbour.  It is pretty touristy now but manages to retain much charm and we had a very pleasant couple of days there - despite the  intense heat and humidity.  

It is famed for its cloth market and tailoring - indeed, there are more tailoring shops than you can shake a stick at.  I'm sure there are many Aussies walking around Sydney or Melbourne dressed head to toe by clothes from Hoi An.  From cashmere suits to shirts to evening dresses; all can be made in 24 hours. There are even shoemakers, who'll run you up a new pair in the time it takes to have a good lunch. With the silk left over from the tailoring colourful lanterns are made here and gang everywhere. A lovely spectacle, especially at night.

After one final day of driving along the coast we took a short flight to big, glitzy, Saigon for our final few days in Viet Nam.  I've become rather fond of the jeep and suggested to A that I might import one as a fun "Waitrose" conveyance.  He thinks I'm nuts!  We'll see.


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