'We're going to Iguacu cu cu, how about you, you you?'

I hardly need any words today as the pictures tell it all.

This morning we enjoyed a rally outing to the falls, all arranged by the organisers. What a morning we had! Through rainforest, by a variety of different transport and onto the highlight; a trip on a speed boat through the rapids and then UNDERNEATH the falls!

We all knew that we were going to get very wet and so had left all our things at the hotel. Getting wet sounded rather good as it was so steamily hot. All except Paddy 'wussbag' Walker who, for some strange reason, did what all the Japanese tourists were doing and wrapped himself in plastic. Just the thing for the tropics!


Back to reality this afternoon and fixing of cars. We have just had the delightful news that 200 kms in tomorrow the road is going to be closed and if we are not here by 10am we will have to drive an extra 270 kms. A very, very early start beckons we have 65 (really) speed bumps before the road closure and so average speed will be low.

However, after such a fab 'rest' day today we will be feeling fresher. Two nights in the same place is a luxury as well as a chance for everyone to do some much needed laundry. The should be paying the laundry staff extra with all the fetid stuff they have had to deal with today.

So it is 'onwards and upwards' (quite literally) for we rallyists tomorrow. Please, please just let us get to the road closure before 10 tomorrow. Car #7 deserves a break!


  1. Adventurous place! I can experience this place with these pictures. It’s awesome.


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